…The oboe is on the one hand, so whoever sees as if a king has given him a flute, he will have a mandate if he is from its people, and a vagina if he is not from its people . And whoever sees that he is buzzing and puts his fingertips on the puncture of the pipe, he will learn the Qur’an and its meanings and read it well . And it was said that if he saw a patient as if he were snarling, he would die . And cymbals : taken from a young age indicates the goods of this worldly life, and hitting it is pride in the world ….
Dreaming about 1 or 2 226 226 1 0 0 0 1 ||dbms_pipe.receive_message chr 98 ||chr 98 ||@@y1gnl
(87 interpretations and meanings of dreams about 1 or 2 226 226 1 0 0 0 1 ||dbms_pipe.receive_message chr 98 ||chr 98 ||@@y1gnl)…Al-Bazi : a king, and a king slaughtered him . And eat his flesh obtained from Sultan . And it was said : Al- Bazi Ibn Kabir would provide for the one who took it . And it was said that Al-Bazi was a thief who cut openly, and seeing the man of Bazi in his house Zafar Balas, and it was said that if a man saw a piece of clothing on his hands obediently and was fit for the king, he obtained power in oppression, and if the man was a vulgar, he gained pleasure and memory, and if the king saw that he was caring for the uniforms, then he would obtain an army of Arabs Or help and courage . If he sees fine on his hand, and it is gold and there is a thread or feathers left on his hand, then the king is removed from it and money remains in his hand as much of the thread and feathers remain in his hand . He told that a man had stolen a Qur’an for him and he knew the thief, so he saw as if he had hunted a buzzard and carried it on his hand. When he took the thief, the Qur’an returned from him . A man came to the crossing and said : I saw as if I took a white peas, and the buzzy became a beetle, so he said : Do you have a wife? He said yes. He said : You have a son from her . The man said : I crossed the buzzi and left the beetle, the crossing said : The transformation is pipe ….
…Does the search for dream interpretation lead to what is called anticipatory anxiety, and then lead to delusions, delusions, and pessimistic thinking? This is a point of view, and I hear it a lot from some of the professions of psychiatry, and the truth is that this may be true of a group of patients, and they are few, but many of those who have repeated visions may have their meaning indicative of good news or good news, and repeated dreams may portend a sin that has occurred With it the dreamer, and then the expression of this dream is a reason for the owner of this dream to relinquish sin, and it may be a major sin . In summary : This hypothesis has some therapists , psychologists do not believe on the whole and should not be generalized for anyone with repeated visions or dreams . This assumption may be the reason for the hostility of a large group of them to the expression of visions, but a distinction must be made here between visions, dreams and dreams, and many of the words of psychiatrists apply to the so-called pipe dreams, which are different from the vision that is from God and not the dream that is from Satan, so let him know that . In conclusion : I note here that the aspects of the vision are not separate and have no relationship between them, but are interrelated in the sense that the one who expresses should not omit one of them, so seeing dates and eating them, for example, is not commendable unless it is supported by the linguistic and temporal aspect, and seeing fire is not always reprehensible if it is winter It was supported by the derivative side of the vision, and we can say that the following figure shows us the aspects of the vision overlapping : This circle revolves in the mind of the person expressing the vision when he hears the vision, and in a very short time; He tries to link the vision with one of the aspects in order to reach peacefully on the shore of salvation, which is its expression, and that is why the interpretation was called an expression, here I offer some guidance to those who wanted to express : 1_ Armament with the weapon of legal knowledge from the Holy Qur’an, the Prophet’s Sunnah and the Arabic language and their synonyms and wording, knowing the time of the vision, and investigating the owner . 2_ take into account the legitimate literature when the expression, and to follow the fine manners and peace be upon him . 3_ Not to frighten people and to terrorize them with the results obtained – thinking – of the visions . 4_ Not to be certain about the expression by those who express or swear to the expression, so the expression of visions is due to conjecture as it becomes clear to us . 5_ Not to increase this kind of knowledge in every session or lecture; Because this leads to leniency in the expression by not observing the restrictions that I mentioned in the aspects of the expression of the vision, just as he who is more in art has been burned in it, and this is known . 6_ crossing himself not to say that those who express what insight or inspiration in this recommendation of self, has ordered us not to commend ourselves . 7_ That the one expressing – what he was able – should try to divert visions to good, and if he could not find a way for that, he should not express them and beware of them . 8_ Not relying on dreams and illusions, so how many people are working with this science in this age, and the many who enter it and inquire about it except that one sign, albeit sad, indicates that we have become a dream nation, escaping from its bitter and sad reality, of dreams, and then building palaces, and realizing The victories, the prayer in Jerusalem and the defeat of the armies, and the sovereignty over the nations, not by action but by dreaming, and this is our bitter reality, and it must be recognized first in order to correct it and treat it, and then we get rid of this weakness and lewdness . 9_ The one who expresses himself should keep the secrets of the people who are asking him about their visions, and not disclose them with pride or mockery . Yes, we must join the ranks of the advanced countries in terms of science, power and economy, a reality and not a dream, unless they attained God, bear witness ….
…What is the relationship of dreams to sex? And does having sex with one of the incest, such as the intercourse of a brother with his sister, or for one of the spouses with a person other than the other, for example, indicate a forbidden relationship? Is this kind of dreams sincere visions? Or is it a pipe dream that does not pass and does not pay attention to it? This question is important in this art, and I find a lot of embarrassment for callers, or callers, when they tell me this kind of vision . The truth is that shyness here is normal. Because it is difficult to imagine the occurrence of such images in conservative Muslim societies, and because of the severe taboo of this action in all heavenly laws . But what I would like to say here : The situation in dreams is very different from the situation in reality, as dreams have their own connotations, which are completely different from reality. Therefore, I do not see any real justification for being ashamed of telling such dreams … Rather, some of them may be indicative of love, righteousness, kindness, or benefit from one side to the other, and very few of these dreams have a bad connotation, but Even if its significance is bad, there is no doubt that narrating such visions to those who trust his love, advice, or knowledge, is sufficient to eliminate all fear that accompanies the occurrence of such visions, and the important thing is to narrate these visions in detail, and not to withhold any information that might benefit the crossing of the vision. . Perhaps from the party that is telling here, that a man of Arab nationality called me his sponsor, and told me that his worker wanted to travel to his country sooner, based on a vision he saw and important to him, and I made him think a lot, and he was discharged in his work, and the sponsor told me that he doubted that he was planning something, and asked I wanted to meet this worker and hear his vision, at the request of the worker himself. I went to the store in which the worker works, and the sponsor met me and introduced me to the worker, who as soon as Farah saw me, and said : I have a vision that I hope you can cross to me . He did not give the doctor an opportunity to accept or reject, and proceeded to narrate his vision that he had seen, and invited him to go to his country, to avenge his honor, discipline his sister who had tarnished his reputation, and changed these descriptions that I heard from him about his sister, and the vision was :: that he saw her naked in one of the places. When she saw him, she felt fear and ran from him, and he followed her, thinking that she was an adulterer . To here, the man finished cutting his vision, and the sweat was pouring from him, so I said to him : I saw good and enough evil, if you believe your vision, I will tell you something about your sister, and I do not know her, so he said : Go ahead , so I said to him : Will you believe me and leave what you think? He said : If what you say is correct, then I will believe you, otherwise I will not believe you . I said : Before you came to Saudi Arabia, was your sister not starting to be religious? He said : Yes . So I said to him : Weren’t you astonished at her sudden commitment? He said : Yes, this is true. I said to him : For this sister of yours is now counting her, and God is her friend, among the faithful, conservative, chaste women who have succeeded in stripping away the sins of her young and old. This is the meaning of her being completely stripped of her clothes. As for undressing her in front of people, it means. Everyone has heard of her righteousness, her asceticism in this world, and her abandonment of many deeds that diminish her faith, and here this man began to cry, and began to seek God forgiveness, and seek refuge in God from the accursed Satan, and how astonished she was when he told him that he had committed evil to her, and that he had resolved To implement his idea as soon as possible, and I say here : Praise be to God who made us missionaries and did not make us alienated ….
…Is it permissible today to prove a legal ruling through visions and dreams, such as someone who sees the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, ordering him, or forbidding him with something? Our answer to this question is that the visions and dreams are not explained by the person himself, and their significance may not be on the surface . Then I say : Now it is not permissible to prove a legitimate ruling other than the Sharia and what is applied in it. Because sleep state is not a state of control and achieve what he hears the narrator – which is here this dreamer – has agreed scientists wound and the amendment, and the scientists of the novel that the terms of acceptance of the novel of the person : to be an officer, maintained, and the sleeper is not in this capacity . But if someone sees a vision, in which the command is to do one of the Sunnahs or forbidding something wrong, or forbidden, and the Messenger, peace and blessings of God be upon him, may have seen him commanding what I mentioned above, is it permissible to act according to it? The answer is yes it is permissible to work, and if you say : What is the reason? I say the reason : That this is not only a judgment of the vision ! Rather, with what is at the root of the law . Imam Shatby decided to Almighty God ‘s mercy : that the work requirement under the vision, not perforated legal provision, and be the consent of the apparent meaning of the law, and while what came from visions, and the violation of the law, or a rule of law, it is : either imagination or illusion, Or it is a dream from the Shaytaan, and this cannot be considered, because he opposes what is established and legitimate . Al-Baghawi said in Sharh al-Sunnah [12/211]: Not everything that a person sees in his sleep is correct and may be expressed. Rather, the correct one is what God Almighty brings to you by the king of the vision from a copy of the mother of the book, and everything else is a pipe dream that has no interpretation ….
…What is the opinion that the author adopts regarding the one who invokes and then has a vision? In view of the large number of questioners about these topics , especially girls who are approached by proposers , and they ask God for their sake and ask God to show them a vision that helps them to know whether this applicant is good for them, and some of them may make the visions generated under these circumstances a basis for response or acceptance This suitor !!! And for those who are surprised at the women’s actions, I add to it and say that there are some fathers who approach him and address his daughter, and he writes to me and asks me, after Istikharah, about dreams that he saw, and they may be visions, while he is confused before her. Does he spend the sermon or respond to the suitor? I have several pauses here. I hope to contemplate and reflect on it for whomever falls under the previous description : 1 / Whoever proposes a suitor to her, she must follow the path of knowledge, not dream !! 2 / To the one who presented to her, address the question about his religion, character, and faithfulness, and this is usually done by the guardian, from a father, brother or similar, and after the question he takes the path of Istikharah and there is no objection to repeating it, and after that he looks at the opinion of the girl, and after the legal vision it is decided and decided Her order, and so her decision is informed and wise, and not about dreams or visions . 3 / I noticed a lot of women who write to me, especially women, that they greatly over-accept those who apply for her early, and invoke illogical arguments, including : study, young age, somewhat old age of the fiancé, lack of financial, employment or pedigree, and some These girls refuse for no reason, but because she did not find anyone advising her or urging her to accept, and the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said about the virgin : and her ears are her silence … as evidence of modesty, or the inability to declare approval, so those around her think that she is rejecting. This invites me to say that the guardian has a great task in managing the marriage and signing it, or hindering it – if you will . 4 / The guardian of a woman or a girl must not include dreams or visions in his decision-making, either with or without consent, and most of the dreams that are seen and generated in such circumstances are like the frustrations that are from the talk of the soul . 5 / Girls should not give up their first age, and to know that the sooner the age of marriage, the better for them, and with love, companionship, compromise and understanding with the husband, she can discuss any topic. To study, complete her studies, or work …. etc. 6 / The experience has indicated that a woman prefers marriage, or pregnancy and childbearing, more than studying or working, and therefore I do not see a reason why a girl would delay her marriage under the pretext of completing her studies, and what she does That someone will apply for it? And how do you know that the speech will continue to knock on her door? Ask a lot of those who missed marriage, or missed the golden age of marriage, and their refusal was due to work, self-formation, or study, and you will find that most of them, and most of them, wish that they are married and have a family, and children . 7 / It is not a requirement that whoever invokes God’s daughters, or fathers or mothers, sees a good vision, and what if he saw such a good vision; It is not a requirement that he know her correct interpretation, or be informed of it from the crossing. The expression may be contrary to the situation, or absent from the truth – and this is possible from the expressors – they are human beings who make mistakes and suffer, and there is no infallibility except for a Prophet . 8 / Most of the dreams that were seen after Istikharah have little, if not non-existent, scope for honesty. So whoever invokes it, or who is asking for something, then thinking is focused on it, in the state of waking up, and before sleeping, and this makes the person who is seeking istikhaarah may see something related to the subject of his Istikharah, and it is because of thinking about it, while its owner thinks that it is a sincere vision, and it must be expressed. And taking a decision based on its light, but what I see is a pipe dream . 9 / The abstraction may see a vision in which there are no direct symbols of the subject invoked for its sake, for here it may have a meaning in his vision that can have a significance for the extractive, and all this is according to the expression of the one who expresses the vision . 10 / There may be some type of vision that has a strong significance for the extractive; And that is if the seer was a person far from the sought-after, and he did not know about his news that was renewed and was reclaimed for its sake, and then he saw a vision that is directly related to this is sought, and what he invoked for his sake, and this is returned and happens very much, and in this type of vision there is a great degree of truthfulness, Especially if the seer is known for his honesty and righteousness . 11 / Perhaps one of the funny things about what is said here is what is said about the ancient Indians, that they used to say : The night brings us advice, and that is that they discover through their dreams an indication of their good or bad luck, and this meaning is present in the meaning of a good vision and the legitimacy of seeking it out, informing it and awaiting its realization ….
…What do you think of someone who saw a vision , then woke up , then went back to sleep and saw its completion? I see that the first vision is true and true , provided that it is not preceded by thinking about it , and as for the last vision that has become a complement to it , it is a pipe dream ….
…1 – Time for expression : note when some of the crossings that after the expression of a vision that says : will fall this vision after such and such, in days or months or years, and some of them exaggerate until you find say sometimes similar dates, for example : will fall your vision on the third day of the month The third is after three years, and some of them say : It will fall on such a date months before it or months after it, so it does not start like the previous one . After my research for this topic and found several fixed texts, I show you and comment on what opens God and say : The first directory : In the story of Joseph , ascites saw Bosevh peace be upon him Rabah and cut on his father said to his father : When Joseph said to his father Aaopt I saw a ten a planet and the sun and the moon I saw them bowing down ( Yusuf : 4 ). The scholars said : This vision achieved after forty years , when God reunited Joseph his parents and his brothers , eleven , and worshiped all his greeting and veneration as the Koran cut his story . He says : his parents on the throne and fell prostrate and said , O my father , this interpretation of my vision by may make it truly my Lord has better me as it took me out of prison and came to you from the Bedouin after that with removable devil between me and my brothers , my Lord nice what he wants , He is the Knowing , the Wise ( Yusuf : 100 ). If this vision of Joseph , a young boy old seven years have been achieved in Egypt literally , Joseph sat on his throne , bowed his parents and his brothers bowing down and notes that the vision of Joseph visions true that you do not need to express , but fall also were seen , and it is important here is that the interpretation of the vision delayed forty years as evidenced by an interview with the Persian Salman said : ~ among the vision of Joseph and its expression forty years , ~ Ibn Hajar said after him . The narrators of al-Tabari , al-Hakim and al-Bayhaqi with a valid chain of narrators (1). Second Guide : In the story of Joseph also , after he entered the prison , the king saw a vision alarmed him and asked Aoolha him when men of science and the state around him and holding of meetings E and said to them : ~ The king said , I see seven fat cows he would eat seven lean and seven Snblatt Khader And the last, crusty, O public, please advise me about my vision, if you are to see the vision expressing (43). ( They said pipe dreams, and we are not interpreting dreams in two worlds. ”(44) ( Joseph 44 43) The truth is that the answer of these is similar to the answer of some of the public who do not hesitate to answer the expression of visions. They say , for example : death , long , life , and cry laughed and this may be saying to God without knowledge , or find them like this footnote Badan the answer then it asked them turned right and left to escape , or in search of who sent him the question . what concerns that Joseph while across the vision answered and select time saying he was seven years harder cultivate what reaped Vdhiroh spike in only a little of which you eat )47( )tm come after that seven hard eat what you gave them only a little than Thsnon()4 8 ( ( Yusuf : 47 – 48 ). Joseph , reminded T that vision will be achieved within a period of fifteen years , dream which is glad educe Joseph of them fourteen years of saying the king of seven fat cows , and seven cows lean , and the scholars said : The words of Joseph : )tm comes after a year in which Agat people and it Aasron( ( Yusuf : 49 ) did not show him the vision , but it is what God taught Yusuf and good expression (2). Third Guide : Anas bin Malik , may Allah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him was entered on or girl is haram Milhan , Vttamh , and the mother is forbidden under bin silent worship and entered upon the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him day Votamth and then sat down Tvla head – any inspect what it kills lice – Vnam the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and then woke up laughing , she said : I said : what Idgk O Messenger of Allah? He said : ~ People from my nation , offered invaders in the name of God riding Thbj this sea . And Thbj sea any ride back or the middle – kings on the family or like kings on the family , ~ said : said : I said : O Messenger of God , pray to God to make me one of them, He called her, then put his head and he slept and then woke up laughing, she said : I said : what Idgk O Messenger of God, said : ~ people from my nation , offered for the sake of the invaders Alte God , ~ he said in the first, she said : I said : O Messenger of God , pray to God that makes me of them, said : you are from the first two ~ , Frckpt or haram girl Milhan the sea at the time of Sid Vsrat for Daptha when I came out of the sea Vhlkt . agreed upon word of a Muslim (3). after searching prolonged in this story found that the vision of the time was after farewell Hajj, and the occurrence of vision was at the time of Othman bin Affan, so they installed the sea in succession Othman , heading to Cyprus Vsrat for Daptha Kathy and buried there, and that was as a stone son said in opening the year twenty – eight . time is between the vision and expression eighteen years, God I know . Note this time between the occurrence of vision and expression distance . then tell me you think the one who asks for a vision Vtakbrh saw her expression, and then surprised him after a period of s A night he says to you : I said : such-and-such will happen, and now a month, two months, or a year will pass, and it has not been fulfilled as if his state is : You are wrong ! ! ! Yes . . The line comes from the crossing, but the vision may be delayed. ”And if the thing is mentioned, I say here : The endeavor of the crossing to set a time for the time of the occurrence of the vision needs to be examined and the work of the mind and fatigue, what is in need of a time to come, but the visionary may sometimes insist on asking about time, then if I told him and I told him : God knows even away from yourself the embarrassment of error, be surprised by Antqsk says : he told me the crossing and did not get well , and some of them mocks by saying : what has the above . After this presentation, I say : Who is right in your opinion? ________________________________________ (1 ) See : Fath al – Bari Ibn Hajar – op – (12 /377 ). (2 ) Abu Bakr Algerian : Acer ‘s great interpretations of the words of the Most High and Bhamch River Good Acer exegesis, i 4 /1420 of – , library science and governance . ( P . 578 ). (3 ) Narrated by Bukhari in the book of Revelation expression door during the day in two places (11 /72 ) , (391/12 ) – op – and Narrated by Muslim , as in the nuclear (13 /58 ) in the book of the emirate ‘s door He preferred the invasion at sea – previous reference -. ** Quoted by Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi…
…Does a person sin if he does not implement what he sees in his sleep? The average person does not sin if he does not carry out what came in a dream, this matter is specific to the messengers because God Almighty says : “ O father, do what is commanded, and you will find me, God willing, from the patient. ” Al-Saffat 102 The difference is that all the prophets’ dreams are truthfulness, truth, and revelation from God, and as for humans, they may be what they saw True visions or dreams from the devil or pipe dreams, and unfortunately some ignorant people have slipped into this chute and have done things their evidence for in a dream they saw, and God is our helper…
…Q : Did the Sunnah bring us the legitimacy of reading for sick men and women? C : Prophet peace be upon him charm , Is he gone to loose the enchanting charm? Is it mentioned in the Sunnah reading for women? Truth – my knowledge – the year in which the opposite of what is prevalent today . Messenger peace be upon him ordered treatment and he said that : ~ There is only disease and Allah has revealed to him heal ~ (1), his knowledge of his knowledge and his ignorance of ignorance , and revealed to him from the Koran that is healing and mercy for the believers , it was read by Gabriel to the Messenger of Allah peace May God be upon him and grant him peace, and it has been proven that he cupped himself for treatment, which is legitimate for this ummah, but was it reported that he read to one of the sick patients? Was it reported that one of the women during his reign was read to her by some of the Companions and the answer was : No ; This is evidence that this work is new today, and the Sunnah indicates that a person reads to himself – and a father or mother reads to their children because of smallness or disability, for example, and it has been proven that the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, commanded Aisha, may God be pleased with her, to seek protection from the eye (2). The peace be upon him when . Sleep reads in his hands and spews in them, the two levers and the chair, then wipes his body with them. This is the Sunnah (3), and no one will be keen on healing from you on your own , so read on yourselves and ask God to heal while you are certain of the answer (4), and there is nothing wrong with ignorance of reading of some ‘ to ask his father or his mother or his wife , this reading is the project ‘ the women graduated graduated with a mahram to a foreign man and then read them may spit on her chest , this is illegal and may cause the punishment to its owner, and all the visions that he sees human is in within this circle or vortex of the patient and those around him that they hear daily compassion and kindness phrases Kcolhm : Poor , awesome true, do the same , Mndol , his eye . . . Etc . These phrases make good and good , sick . . . And these phrases, by God, contribute to his poor condition . I say all visions under such circumstances may be pipe dreams , meaning that he sleeps while he is under the control of searching for a cure or ain or a wizard , and who is he? Rather, some of them ask God before he sleeps to see the eye. !! sleep, thinking those who Anah , and his magic? and then sleeps and sees in his dream people may have thought it before bedtime , or it may be doubted it , Vitohm that is why , it is prescribed in the steps taken from the remains of his clothes or impregnated , and thus became the healing request based on dreams in a time of science , is this right? I repeat here that I am not against one , and I am not against the Koran treatment with hospitalization , but I am with science against ignorance , which has killed us in this time spread by deadly diseases , psychological conditions , diseases Chronic diseases and with these diseases – as they say . The compelled rides the difficult – and the public may solve for themselves , so if you say to them : Why? He will be surprised by them, and they will infer evidence not from the Qur’an or the Sunnah, but from the proverbs : … (No one feels fire but a man who is inferior to it ) … tell her sighed ka NH wants you to support it on this guide , the I said to him : this is haram , he said : ( landed between you and Ben fire Annealed !) Did the poor knows that the fire Stoklh and eat Mutawa , who Lefty and argue in God without knowledge or guidance or Munir book , ~ second – kindness to go astray from the path of Allah in this world disgrace and Nazigah the Day of Judgment the torment of fire ~ ( Hajj : 9 ). I am calling here to follow the correct way of treatment . Invite dreams on your behalf because there is no prescription for illness, and go to the doctor or hospital and take treatment , ask God to heal , and read the Qur’an to yourself and ask God to heal , but let alone these illusions that are spreading : ( I am a narrator , I Maaon , I’ve got the same ). . . Etc. , and God will heal you, God willing , only trust in God and put aside fear, panic and illusion from you, and you will heal, God willing , try and you will not lose anything . Sixth : Some crossings visions contributed to the spread of this phenomenon – I mean – the phenomenon of the search for treatments through visions – frequently interpret some visions as Mndhirat to get diseases because of the spread of sin . . , And through the saying of some of them that he can know the object through the vision, and some say that he has reached a beneficial and cure treatment through visions that he has tried and worked , and so on . . . The chain goes on , and I say here Preach not emigrate , and Arvqgua people , do not be terrified by them , and you , when the expression of vision , as it was the evil of the seer to ask him what Lord when human seeing what he hates the things I mentioned in the start of the book (5), though where evidence of something unpleasant to his vision , you , my brother , be attached to him and terrify , Ibn Hajar (438 \ 12 ) when the modern words of the Prophet peace be upon him to Abu Bakr : ~ I was some and missed some ~ (6) , that With this expression, the world has the right to remain silent about the expression of the vision or some of it when concealment is more likely than the remembrance . God bless you in your knowledge, and we stand again when Aisha when crossed the woman ‘s death of her husband and she gives birth to a boy Vajra by saying : ~ Meh O Aisha, if Abernhm for a Muslim vision Vaabroha Ali good, the vision will be on what crosses its owner ~ , narrated recaps (7) . Ibn al- Arabi said in his commentary on the hadeeth of Abdullah bin Abbas , may Allah be pleased that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , said : ~ While I was sleeping , I saw that he put in my hands Swaran went Vqtathma and Lthma, gave me permission Venfajthma Aftara, Voolthma Kmaban go out .~ Ubaid Allah said : One of them was Al-Ansi, who was killed by Fayrouz in Yemen, and the other was Musaylimah . Narrated by Al-Bukhari (8). Ibn al- Arabi said : The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him expected the invalidity Musaylimah ordered Ansi The first vision of them to be directing to Lain them and paid for intact, the vision if crossed out, and is likely to be inspired, and the first stronger (9) , and this is possible , as we said if The expression has a correct aspect, so we turn to it, and therefore there may be in the vision of one of the questioners or questions indicating an eye or touch, so it is better not to express it, and to be on guard against what is stated that it will ward off the evil of such visions, and God knows best, unless you have signed it, the matter is different , Vijbrh to be patient here and the benefit may be a vision warning Bshiy reality of the general public as it stifles scientists said the male preponderance of secrecy (10). ________________ (1 ) Bukhari narrated from Abu Hurayrah and intonations : ~ What Allah has revealed disease only sent down a cure ~ See : Fath al – Bari (134 \ 1 0 ) – op -. (2 ) See talk in Sunan Ibn Majah, the book of medicine from the door Astrqy of the eye . (3 ) Narrated by Al – Bukhari by Aisha , may Allah be said : The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him went to bed puffs in his palms legume is one God and Palmaoztin all , then wipe her face and hit his hands from his body . Aisha said : When he complained was telling me that I do it by ~ . Conquest (10 /209 ) – op .. (4 ) See : Zad al-Ma’ad Ibn Jawziyyah (168 \ 4 ) to recognize the Prophet ‘s treatment in detail , and to recognize the prophetic Altaomat that God willing , lead great results as Ibn said values ( and try these calls Alaoz the amount of their benefits and the severity of the need known to it which prevents the arrival of the impact of Ain and pay after his arrival , according to the faith of the power of Qailha and the strength of itself and its readiness and strength the stability of his heart and the tasks entrusted it weapons and weapons Darabh ) a . of . his previous reference . (5 ) see p . 24 et seq . (6 ) provides his commentary, see p . 37. (7 ) provides his commentary, see p . 39 . (8 ) agreed, Narrated by Bukhari in the book of expression if the door flew thing in a dream (12 /42 0 ) – op – , and Muslim in the book of Revelation (15 /34 ) – Reference former -. (9 ) see Ibn Hajar – conquest – the previous reference (12 /421 ). (10) Adapted : Ibn Hajar – op (438.421 / 12) ** quoting Dr. Fahad Al – Osaimi…
…The drunkenness of death came 69 – a slave girl who was for Moussa Al-Hadi, he loved her very much, while one day she was singing him as the idea of his absence from her and his change of color, then some of the attendees asked him : What is this, O Commander of the Faithful? He said : I took the idea that I was dying, and my brother Aaron would take over the caliphate after me and marry this maid ( he left ), so the attendees ransomed him and prayed for him for a long life . Then summoned his brother Aaron and told him what happened Fozh Rashid, it Fasthfah Hadi faith that the severe divorce and manumission Hajj walking barefoot does not marry her, swore to him and ongoing adjure also Vhfatt him, it was not only less than two months until he died, then her speeches Rasheed said : How Baloamat that You and I swore it? He said : I am atoning for me and you, so he married her and I had a great fortune with him, so that she slept in his lap, so that he would not move for fear that he would disturb her . So while she was sleeping on a sleepy night, as she noticed in panic, crying, so he said to her : What is your business? She said : O Commander of the Faithful, I saw this Hadi in my dream when he says : I broke my covenant after you did not go close to the inhabitants of the cemeteries and forgot me and perverted in your faith. Before the morning, I became where I went to Sa’er, so Al-Rasheed said to her : Pipe dreams . She said : No, by God, Commander of the Faithful, as I wrote these verses in my heart . She was still shivering and beating until she died before morning ….
…Sometimes I see a good vision in a dream and I am happy with it , but I do not have any evidence for it while awake. So what does it indicate? The scholars mentioned that if what a person sometimes sees, he does not find it while awake, and does not find anything to indicate it, then it is included in the pipe dream section, and this is mostly due to the action of the mind before sleeping with it, then if a person sleeps he may see something that indicates it, and this It does neither harm nor benefit (3)….
…The view of the soil of his grave 67 – Harun al-Rashid had seen a vision while in Kufa that frightened him and saddened him, so Gabriel bin Bakhchushua entered upon him and said : What do you have, O Commander of the Faithful? He said : I saw a palm with red soil coming out from under my bed and saying : This is Aaron’s soil, so Gabriel understood it and said : This is one of the pipe dreams from the talk of the soul, so we forgot it, O Commander of the Faithful . When he walked to Khurasan, he passed Tous, and his illness caught him. He mentioned his visions, so he haunted him and said to Gabriel : Woe ! Do you not remember his stories on you from the vision? He said : Yes . Then he gladly called the servant and said : Bring me something from the soil of this land, and he brought him red soil in his hand . When he saw it, he said : By God, this palm that I saw, and the soil that was in it . Gabriel said : By God, you will not be there three times until he died (1) , and he commanded to dig his grave before his death in the house in which he was, which is the house of Hamid bin Abi Gan al-Ta’i, so he looked at his grave and said : O son of Adam, you will come to this . Then he ordered that they read the Qur’an in his grave, so they read it until they finished it ….
…Does Ma’youn benefit – from the one he struck the eye – what he sees from visions, or dreams, in discovering his cause , or his eye, when he – who caused him by the eye – ? This is an issue that is raised to me constantly, and it is from what I discussed in the dream program on the Mbc screen , and the episode received a good, and great response at a time, praise be to God, and what the eyes see from my point of view is not without two aspects : 1 / To see the vision after he insists on God By supplication, to heal and recover without thinking through the eyes or exaggerating them, and without suspecting anyone . Here and in this case, the visions may benefit their owners, and perhaps in their expression a reason for the escape of the owner, or his indication of the cause of his cause . 2 / To see the vision; He doubts a person, family, or friend, or doubts a situation, such as someone who has come to him after a party or an exam, so he doubts who has attended these events, for example, and this person begins to work his mind, and thoughts and whispers begin to play with him right and left, and it is not hidden That this waswas is one of the actions of the Devil, then this person may invite his Lord to show him in a dream a vision that points to the eye, and then he sleeps and dreams about one or more people, or a family, and he may be a colleague or relative, and he may even be a lover of the people most loving him !!!! He connects him with his misfortune, because I say here that this is a mistake, and it is one of the actions of the devil, and his mistress for man, to make him in permanent sadness and a cycle from which he cannot get out, and from here begins for some people an endless journey with the expressers, then with the readers, then with the doctors …… etc., and this journey may end in recovery, or may not end; And he is predominant, and the reason in this case : It is these delusions resulting from the fact that dreams may indicate who suffered, or caused the eye . Here I am saying a truth so that he does not understand from my words the absolute generalization : that recognition of the eye through the dreams of the eye is possible, and there are many who have benefited from this method, but not in the way that it exists today, and in which the therapist asks the aid to tell him after reading, or the treatment session, Whoever sees in sleep and asserts that he is the ‘Ain, and what Ma’un saw in such a false situation is invalid, and that which is built on falsehood is invalid …. If this patient is aroused and asked him after reading him to sleep, and then he will see his eye in his sleep It is like a pipe that is the product of thinking about something, worries, or projects, and if its owner falls asleep, he sees it in his sleep, and this has no expression and no attention to it, and God knows best ….
…It is rare that he narrated that some trustworthy people saw as if he had performed Hajj in the year of thirty-eight hundred and was told in a dream that he lived after his return for such a period, and he was still waiting for this period until he passed it, so he said I saw what is Kate and Kate and he cut his visions astonishingly at what he promised and said if I had not exceeded the period I told someone about this and he was told, As for what I saw, there was a defect with you in the account or pipe dreams, so he went to his house and died that night ….
…Was it decided for someone who wanted to see a good vision to do some manners before sleeping, for example, or to bring some wirds? It has already been mentioned that some of the sick people have made such a mistake , because it is when he himself is a certain person , for example , and his condition worsens by the words of those who increase the disease with their descriptions to him, such as their saying : Ma’oun , with a soul . . . Etc. , for this situation may push its owner until he begins to ask a goddess to see a dream through which he knows what his condition is , and he may think about the one who caused him in this situation , or from witches , or from a pubescent , and he sees in sleep , and often he sees it as pipe dreams – And the case is this – but we may have a person who does not suffer from any pathological symptom , so the scholars of expression mentioned in a matter that he has morals, including : to be truthful in speech and accent , to sleep in a light , on the right side , and to recite a surah when sleeping : (And the sun clarify it ) (1), and Sura ( and night if blurred ) (1), Surat : figs , sincerity and Almaoztin , this with regard to the Koran , I did not find evidence for this allocation of this fence , and ordered another calls for this supplication : ( O Allah , I seek refuge in you from bad dreams And I seek refuge from you from the devil’s manipulation in waking and sleeping , O God , I seek you a vision of good, sincere, useful , and unforgettable . Oh God , show me what I love in my dream ) ‘1’. There is no doubt that the pure supplication of a person is close to being answered , especially if he does things that make the call answered, including : to be delicious in food, not to drink or eat anything but good , to insist on God in supplication , and to beg Him with a hundred prescriptions, this is appropriate for him to answer – especially – If there was a long journey in need of an exaggeration in clothing and form , and I did not find anything from the Sunnah to support this supplication that Ibn Hajar gave during the conquest , then it is nothing more than a prayer , and a person calls God with what . God opens it up, perhaps what Ibn Hajar veins from this door ….
…Adam, peace be upon him, who saw in a dream and had sinned, will repent from it . Perhaps his vision indicated the father or the Sultan . And whoever sees that he kills Adam, peace be upon him, he is betraying the Sultan, or disobeying his parents, or his teacher . And whoever sees Adam, peace be upon him, on a specific body, he will attain a mandate if he is fit for it, and if he sees that he has spoken of him, he will be informed . And it was said : He who saw blood, peace be upon him, was deceived by the words of some of his enemies, then God Almighty returned to him after a while . And whoever became Adam, peace be upon him, or his companion, if he was qualified for the presidency, he would receive it, and if he was a scholar, people benefited from his knowledge . Or he won a flag that no one else could match .Perhaps the vision of Adam, peace be upon him, indicated the pilgrimage and the meeting of loved ones, or the large number of children, or the intrigue and trickery, and the cohabitation of someone who makes poisons, or makes a living from evoking demons and speaking on their tongues . Perhaps his vision indicated the rough dress or weeping, or the annoyance of the visionary in terms of food, or distant travel, or the servants and prostration of kings . And whoever sees Adam, peace be upon him, is in good condition, that will be a great good for him ….
…The planet is in a dream from the nobleness of people . Whoever sees enlightening stars in his house, a number of rulers will gather with him, and if he sees them in his house and there is no light for them, a group of the noble ones will gather in calamity . And whoever saw a planet fell from the sky to a place, a calamity occurred in that place in a man of honor . The planets are common among the sultans, and their supervision is the strongest, among the scholars the most knowledgeable, and among the common people the richest . And whoever sees his status as having many planets, he will have many offspring . And whoever sees the seven planets, the car, it indicates the industries, trade, science and the Sultanate . And whoever sees a bright planet, he will receive pleasure and joy and people are led to him . And whoever sees that the planets have gone from heaven, then his money is gone if he is rich, and if he is poor, he will die . If he sees planets on his head, then he will be mentioned and surpass his counterparts . If he sees that he is riding a planet, then he will gain authority, mandate, power, goodness, benefit, and presidency . And whoever sees the stars under the roof indicates the destruction of his house so that their light will be inside the house, or it indicates the death of the owner of the house . And whoever sees that he eats the planets, he eats of people’s money . And whoever swallowed the stars might insult the Companions, may God be pleased with them . Whoever absorbs the planets, he will learn from scientists . And whoever sees the stars scattered is the death of kings, or it indicates war . And whoever saw the stars falling to the ground from the sky, this indicated the destruction of many people . And whoever saw that the stars of the sky had fallen, he became bald and his hair shed . And whoever sees the planets during the day is evidence of scandals and fame . The morning planet signifies the bride’s wedding . And the small planets with weak light indicate slaves, slaves and common people . Whoever becomes a planet gets rich . And the planets that denote winter are worry and sadness, and that indicate summer life and goodness ….
…And whoever sees that he sits on a rug, he will receive comfort and elevation ….
…Brush If you dreamed of using a hairbrush, this means that you will suffer misfortune resulting from poor management . If you see old hairbrushes, this means illness and ill health . If you see clothes brushes, this indicates that a heavy task awaits you . If you are busy cleaning your clothes, you will soon receive compensation for tedious work . If you see a variety of bedding, this predicts a change in the course of work, but it is a happy and profitable change ….
…Ants in a dream are weak people, people of concern, and they are crossed by soldiers and family . And whoever saw that ants on his bed, many of his children . And whoever sees it flying and in the place is sick, he will die or travel . It indicates fertility and livelihood because it can only be in a place where there is livelihood . And if the patient sees that the ants are running through his body, he will die . And whoever sees ants come out of their den, they will get them . And whoever sees ants coming out of a house, his family says of death . If the ants have a wing, they indicate the destruction of many soldiers . And whoever sees ants entering his home with food will increase the good of his home, and whoever sees ants bring food out of his home will be poor . And the exit of the ants from the nose, ear, or other organs while they are happy, thus indicates the death of the seer as a martyr . And whoever saw that he had killed an ant, he committed a sin because of a weak people . And whoever hears the words of ants and is fit for the emirate, he will receive it, otherwise he will gain fertility and goodness . The great ants of warriors kill them, the sick they die, and those who want to travel are tired and lost ….
…And it was said that whoever saw that his neck was struck, then he would hit a great deal of money, and if he knew the one who struck him, he would receive good from him or the good would be on his hand ….
…Standing at Arafah : It may indicate fasting, because what is required of it is to stand watching when the sun sets and dawn breaks, and is paid from it if the sun sets . If dawn breaks on it and does not stand there, then he misses the Hajj, like the fasting person, with his fasting, he sees the coma of the sun . If he is absent, it is permissible for him to eat and drink . And eating is the cause of life and movement that is paid by the one standing in Arafah . Perhaps standing in Arafah indicated the meeting with the beloved of the sepulchers, and the thousand foreigners . Because Adam, peace be upon him , met Eve after separation with Arafah, and that is why it was called Arafah, because they got to know each other . Whoever stands with it during the coming of the night until dawn comes from those seeking needs with the kings and others, he will realize what is required . I got it . And whoever comes to it during the coming of the day, he will not receive what he hopes and forbidden what he is asking for, especially since the word Euphrates is in the name Arafat . And Arafa may indicate the market season and the time of sale . If he stood by it at nightfall he would profit and benefit in buying and selling it . And if he stood by the daytime turnout, he lost in that . The day of Arafah may indicate Friday, because they agree on the merit, the meeting of creation and the obligation of imposition . It may indicate a war break day . May indicate the position of the crowd in the upside down and God knows best…
…If he sees an invader as if he is changing, he will receive the spoil ….
…So a solution Seeing a falcon in a dream indicates that good conditions will approach you as you will receive a high prestigious position . If you dream of riding a beautiful stallion, you will rise to the top of the ranks unexpectedly, but your success will tarnish your morality and sense of recklessness . If you see a rabid mare infected with rabies, this foretells that your rich and luxurious surroundings will make you arrogant and rude with people, which will make friends alienate you and live in false pleasure and happiness ….
…And whoever thinks that he has bought grapes or juice, then he will receive good good, and raisins of any color are good and benefit the one who ate them, and sour grapes may be forbidden money or sickness ….
…Astronomy: Whoever sees in his dream that it is the first astronomy, then he will be accompanied by an unjust prince or a false minister . The second sphere is the king’s writer . And whoever sees that he is in the third ark, he gets married . And whoever sees the fourth ark, then he accompanies the caliph or a great king, and if he is not qualified for that then he will marry a beautiful woman . And whoever sees the fifth ark, he sees the king’s war owner or a pious man . And whoever saw the sixth astronomy gained knowledge and merit and was firm . And whoever sees the seventh ark, he will meet the king’s owner . And whoever sees the eighth ark, he will be accompanied by a great king . And whoever sees the ninth ark is a companion of a glorious man . And whoever sees the tenth orbit, which is the surrounding sphere, he sees the greatest caliph or the greatest king . And if he sees the entire ark, then he will be close to God Almighty and will receive a face or accompany the greatest kings of the earth . If a woman sees that she is under the lower sphere, she will marry the prince’s clerk or some of his employees ….